Cheap and Inexpensive Bathroom Remodeling Ideas
Your bathroom can be a haven of relaxation, refreshment, and retreat, but with so many functional necessities, it can also be one of the most difficult and pricey rooms in your house to design and maintain. If your bathroom needs updating, there are several low-cost remodeling choices that can reinvent your space without the exorbitant cost of a complete bathroom renovation. These possibilities include DIY projects and small-scale professional assistance.
Here are some suggestions from a bathroom renovation company for inexpensive bathroom remodel ideas to get you started.
Paint the Walls
Your bathroom may rapidly get a lot of charm and energy with a new coat of paint. Applying fresh paint in neutral, white, or cool tones can instantly make your bathroom look bigger—without costing a fortune in major remodeling—especially if your walls are already on the darker side. A fresh coat of the same color on your bathroom walls can help hide years of scum and wear if you like the way they look right now.
Tile the Floors—or a Statement Wall
There are many solutions available here for every form, style, and price range, so tiling bathroom floors or walls doesn’t have to be a costly or time-consuming construction process. By covering the floors in your bathroom with new tiles, you may hide worn-out or unsightly flooring and give the space a fresh appearance. Although you can always DIY it, if you have the money and a lot of ground to cover, you might want to hire a tile contractor nearby for a professional installation. Compared to stone or ceramic tiles, vinyl or laminate tiles will be more economical options, but they are just as attractive and long-lasting.
Simplify Storage
The feeling of your bathroom as a wellness haven can be improved by clearing clutter. See if you can fit in a cheap tall storage cabinet made of mildew-resistant materials rather than piling up daily hygiene routines on countertops and stuffing closets with towels, linens, toilet paper, and more. It will not only help you stay organized and have quick access to your necessities, but it will also keep everything dry and odor-free.
Looking for a bathroom renovation company in North Little Rock, AR? Reach out S&V Renovations, LLC for the job. Call us at (501) 330-8860 today!