Expect Your House to Stand Strong

Different problems are going to happen to your house, so you should prepare yourself for the worst. Usually, foundations are the first things to suffer damage, so if your house is old, you should contact a foundation repair contractor right away. Other people have overlooked their foundation and suffered from the consequences. If you don’t want to experience that, then you should call experts to get the job done. Here are signs and common problems you need to know first:


If the foundation is cracked, you might have to do some repair work. Foundation cracks don’t just look ugly; they can cause some serious problems as well. If it has been a while since your foundation was repaired, it’s best to call a contractor to inspect it and assess the cracks. You’ll be able to get a good estimate for the repair if you ask for one.

Sagged Flooring

Saggy flooring is another common problem. If the subflooring is sagging, it can cause some issues with the structural integrity of your house. This doesn’t only rot the foundation; it also deteriorates the support of the entire house foundation, which will cause everything to become wobbly and unstable. So, if you have detected saggy flooring, get it fixed right away.

Rotted Soil

The last thing you should worry about is rot. If the soil is decaying underneath your house, you need to have it repaired right away. This will prevent the decay from spreading to the house foundation and causing even bigger problems. You can count on a foundation repair contractor to make sure that the rot is removed and replaced with fresh soil.

Need help fixing your foundation? Turn to S&V Renovations, LLC. We offer quality foundation repair to clients in North Little Rock, AR. Contact us at (501) 330-8860 for more details!

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