How to Install an In-Ground Drainage System

Does your yard have a drainage issue? Are you thinking about installing an in-ground drainage system by investing in a French drain installation project, but are not sure where to begin? This blog post will walk you through what you need to do to ensure the proper installation and functionality of your drainage system. By the end of this post, you will know what is needed to install an in-ground drainage system. It can help you manage the water and ensure your home is kept dry.


If your lawn or garden suffers from water issues, you should consider installing an irrigation system. In most cases, it takes 1 to 5 days. The time it takes to complete a drainage installation will hinge on the complexity of the drainage system you are installing. A basic in-ground drainage system can often take a day to complete. More complex drainage systems can take up to 5 days to complete.


Beginner to intermediate. One of the biggest factors when determining the complexity of an in-ground drainage system is the slope of your garden. Simple in-ground drainage systems can be done if a yard slants down and away from the house. A more complex drainage system that includes pumps and additional pipes will be needed if you have what is called a “fishbowl” yard, which is when the surrounding ground slopes down toward your house.


The cost of such projects can vary greatly. The high-end part of this estimate will include the likes of concrete catch basins and other expensive components.

To set up a meeting to discuss a French drain installation, please feel free to contact S&V Renovations, LLC. Call today at this number (501) 330-8860 within our working hours. We would be only too happy to take on your drainage issue if you are based in or around the North Little Rock, AR area.

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